Stats powered by PsychoStats
Server Name: BMW Public Server
Server IP:
Admin: |BMW| snuff
Last Update: 12/14/02 12:25am
Server Stats Cheaters Player Ranks Clan Ranks Weapon Ranks Award Ranks Map Stats F.A.Q.

Clantag |BMW|
Members on server 6
Ranked Members 5
Rank Percentage 83.33%
Average Rank 10
Total Kills 300
Total Deaths 268
Kills per Death 1.12
Total Awards 31
No logo specified for this clan.
Email me your clan logo to display here!
Anything will work: images, flash, etc.
# Player Name Kills Deaths Rank Skill
1 |BMW| snuff 156 88 3 1184
2 |BMW| UR MOMMA!!! 31 76 14 811
3 |BMW| UR MOMMA!!! 49 43 8 1004
4 |BMW| snuff 41 43 7 1028
5 |BMW| Z8 20 10 5 1093
6 |BMW| snuff 3 8 21 958
Email me the full listing of your clan members if you want to protect your clan listing from unwanted names.

Last updated on 12/14/02 12:25am
128 log files (1.12 MB) scanned in 5 seconds
Stats older than 30 days are ignored
© PsychoStats v1.9 was written by Stormtrooper